Saint Augustin is located between the most prestigious areas of western Paris and the central districts. Apartments in Saint Augustin district benefit from both restful calm and quick access to all of the neighborhood's facilities. In a few minutes, you can reach the peaceful Parc de Monceau, or along the avenue Ha... Read more
Saint Augustin is located between the most prestigious areas of western Paris and the central districts. Apartments in Saint Augustin district benefit from both restful calm and quick access to all of the neighborhood's facilities. In a few minutes, you can reach the peaceful Parc de Monceau, or along the avenue Haussmann you will arrive at the bustling shopping area such as Printemp, Galerie Lafayette. Living in Saint Augustin, the very glory church of Saint Augustin with exceptional exterior appearance and interior design was the symbol of the Second Empire and of the installations of Baron Haussmann, it is definitely worthy of visit. Virtual visits furnished apartments in Saint Augustin of Paris.
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