For a temporary long-term rental (non-primary residence*)
500 € (VAT included) upon signing for all properties
Do you take a percentage from the rent?
*Primary Residence Rentals:
*These are an exception at ParisRental since most of our clients are in France for a limited time (and usually bound to a work assignment).
We market your apartment:
Thanks to our professional in-house photographer, we showcase your apartment as it is - no deceiving wide-angle lens.
Given that the owner and tenant are both ParisRental clients, we cannot do the walkthrough as we may be asked to take sides. Most of the time, the owner (or their representative) conducts the walkthrough directly with the tenant.
We can, however, set up the walkthrough via an independent service or bailiff.
A ParisRental representative will meet with you to visit your apartment. The following services will be provided during this meeting:
You've decided to rent with ParisRental and have signed your non-exclusive rental agreement. Now, the following will be provided:
* photos are not taken with a wide angle lens to provide potential tenants an accurate impression of the apartment
A Paris Rental representative will contact you to organize accompanied visits for each potential tenant:
The rent and security deposit will be handed to you at the signing or sent to you via check or a direct bank transfer.
Yes. When renting a furnished apartment which is not a residence principale, building expenses are included in the tenant's monthly rent.
However, personal expenses like electricity, gas, internet/phone/cable are the responsibility of tenant.
The diagnostic reports must state the the name and address of the certifying organization.
The Technical Diagnostic Report (DDT) must be provided to the renter at the lease signing.
Yes, Home Management (HM) was created to help you!
Home Management is a subsidiary of De Circourt Associates / ParisRental, and manages your furnished apartment during while it's being rented.
As soon as your new tenant has signed the lease, HM will oversee and organize the arrival and departure walkthroughs, as well as maintenance and repairs while the apartment is occupied. In addition, rent will be received and transferred to your account each month.
8.5 % (plus VAT) of all collected sums
Services provided by HM include:
To learn more about Home Management, watch our video!
Our clients are looking for apartments with at least one bedroom, mostly in Paris. The apartment must be in perfect condition, in compliance with the latest standards and entirely furnished and equipped.
Remember, the first impression is key!
See our Landlord Guide for complete details on fittings and furnishings.
Paris Rental services and rental properties were created for expatriates and their families, including:
You should notify your insurance company once you have installed smoke detector(s) according to the template below (annexe de l’arrêté du 5 février 2013 relative à l’application des articles R129-12 à R129-15 du code de la construction et de l’habitation, Journal officiel du 14 mars 2013).
For this type of notice, request a lettre recommandée avec accusé de réception (registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt) from your local post office.
Coming soon...
This letter is sent by the landlord to the tenant to give him/her proper notice that s/he plans to sell the property at the end of the lease:
This letter is for a "résidence principale"lease.
Allows a person to declare himself/herself as a Guarantor (simple or solidary) of a tenant. The letter is given to the landlord.
The Insurance Code (Article L. 113-1) provides that the exclusions of guarantee must be formal and limited. If your insurance company objects to a reimbursement based on a warranty exclusion, read the terms of your contract carefully.
Ex : Theft may not be guarantee if the shutters were not closed during an absence of more than twenty-four hours. But if the clause in your contract stipulates that "All usual and reasonable precautions for the safekeeping of insured property must have been taken" it will not do. Indeed, the clause is not circumscribed to a specific area and is subject to interpretation. In such a case, do not hesitate to dispute with your insurance company in case it cites this clause for not compensating you.
In terms of home insurance, certain criteria allow the insurer to assess the risk. This is true of the living space or the value of the furniture of a house.
In the event of a change in the risk entailed, the insurer must be notified by registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt in order that you’d be covered in the event of a claim. Upon receipt of your report of home modifications, the insurer will adjust the contract and adjust the contribution, if necessary.
Attention: if you do not declare the changes, the consequences can go from a reduction of the insurance compensation to the cancellation of the contract in case of disaster. Even if the element not declared was without influence on the disaster!
To determine whether or not there is a change in the risks involved with the modifications in your home, refer to the form filled with the insurer when you signed the policy. Keep a copy of the risk declaration form.
As soon as you discover a theft in your home, make an inventory of stolen property and of deteriorated fixutes such as doors, windows …, and take pictures. Then go and make a statement of theft to the nearest police station.
Be careful to keep the receipt of your statement in order to send it to your insurer by registered letter.
Beware : Deadlines for declaration of thefts are short, even if they cannot be inferior to forty-eight hours from the discovery of the disaster (article L. 113-2, 4 ° of the insurance code). Check your contract and be reactive! If you don’t find your contract, don’t waste time anyway.
The prescription for a claim is for a period of two years. The actions taken following the event that gave birth to them are prescribed by two years (Article L. 114-1 of the Insurance Code).
However, this prescription is interrupted if you send a registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt concerning the payment of compensation (Article L. 114-2 of the Insurance Code). Then, a new period of two years will begin to run. So, if you are in negotiation with your insurer and that the deadline comes to an end, write to him by registered mail with acknowledgment of receipt to make the delay reappear. Be sure to preserve the postal receipt.
You can cancel your comprehensive homeowner's policy before it expires and your insurance company must reimburse you the portion of the current premium beyond the date of termination of your contract. However, you must give the reason for your cancellation: for example, moving, changing profession; provided, however, that these changes affect the previously guaranteed risk.
Your request for cancellation must be made, by registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt, within three months of the change of your situation; it will take effect one month after receipt by the insurer. Article L. 113-16 of the Insurance Code provides for other cases than the change of domicile to authorize termination during the contract.
Rent receipt for the month of ....
Last name, first name of lessor
Lessor's address
Lastname, first name of tenant
Postal address
Date at ... , on ...
Rental address:
I, (name of landlord), the owner of the rental property at (address), confirm that I have received (amount in words) euros / (amount in figures) euros from (name of tenant). This payment covers the rent and any associated charges for the rental period from (start of monthly payment) to (end of monthly payment). By issuing this receipt, I acknowledge that the tenant has paid the rent for this period, while retaining all my rights as the landlord.
Payment details :
Rent: ……………………………. euros
Provision for charges (if applicable): ……………………… euros
Total: ……………………………. euros
Payment date: ...... / ...... / 20......
This receipt replaces previous receipts if only part of the current rent is paid. The tenant should keep this receipt for three years, as the law requires (law no. 89-462 of July 6, 1989: art. 7-1).
The certificate Loi Carrez is obligatory in case of sale of a property. It is measuring living suite surface. The certificate Loi Boutin is obligatory when renting an apartment unfurnished and principal residence. The certificate Loi Boutin doesn’t concern a temporary residence wich is not furnished.
Once the space is measured deduction of certain areas in the proprerty such as partitions, walls, steps, staircase, door areas etc are all taken off the total result measured and the end result is certified by a technician as the loi carrez of the property. According to the current rules, the loi carrez will not include in its total amount any areas in a co-property that are less than a height of 1.8 meters. It also does not include features like balconies and terrasses.
It is permanent unless subsequent work is carried out.
Provided sanctions : action for annulment of the sale in the absence of mention. Demand for lower prices if surface error of more than 5 %.
« Etat de servitude « Risques » et d’Information sur les Sols » (ESRIS) is a report on any natural or industrial risks to which the property may be prone, together with a declaration by the seller on any previous insurance claim(s) on the property relating to a natural disaster.
It is required in those communes where there a risk prevention plan (un plan de prévention des risques naturels) in place or in preparation, or in those areas classified as at risk of seismic movement.
The report must stipulate, for instance, whether or not the property is located in a flood zone, an area prone to earthquakes, major storms, avalanches, subject to ground movement, near a dangerous factory, or in proximity to major lorry routes where dangerous materials are being transported. Since July 2017 it has included a report on exposure to radon.
The report cannot be dated more than six months prior to the signing of the sale contract or lease.
Basic responsibility for providing the risk report lies with the préfecture, in collaboration with the local mairie. They will be able to provide the seller/surveyor with the standard ESRIS form, which you can find by visiting « Geo Risques ».
The landlord must also state separately whether they have previously received compensation from their insurer on a claim resulting from a natural or ‘technological’ disaster on the property, e.g. claim for subsidence, flooding, or storm damage. There should be a form to complete for this purpose.
Where the risk report is not provided a buyer has the right to seek recourse in the courts for cancellation of the sale contract, or a reduction in the sale price.
New : In those areas covered by a plan de prévention des risques or an area where, as defined by regulation, a potential radon risk is present, the buyer must be informed of the existence of the risk. This requirement has been in place since 1st July 2018.
A report on the energy performance of the property is required to give the future owner/tenant some idea of the likely level of energy consumption and heating costs.
The report is called the Diagnostic de Performance Energétique - DPE.
The report must be carried out prior to advertising of the property, so must be shown in the property advert.
The report identifies the estimated consumption of energy of a building based on the usage of electricity (measured by kWh/m2) and the impact of this consumption (greenhouse gas emissions measured in Kg of CO2/m2), and includes recommendations on how to improve the building to reduce these
The report is valid for 10 years.
A report on the presence or otherwise of paintwork that contains lead, in a report called the constat de risque d'exposition au plomb - CREP. This survey requirement applies to all properties built before 1949.
The report cannot be dated earlier than one year from sale completion. If lead is not found to be present, or to be so low as to not be a risk to health, then no further survey is necessary on a subsequent sale of the property.
The survey requirement also applies to the communal areas of a block of flats and to all rental properties let after 1st August 2008. In relation to rental properties the survey must have taken place within the last six years, and where lead is not found, no further survey is required.
Where the large-scale presence of lead paintwork is found the technician undertaking the survey is required to inform the préfecture and the owner can be made to undertake remedial work.
There is no requirement to seek out and to report on the presence of lead piping in the property.
The Gas Diagnostic Certificate (état de l'installation intérieure de gaz) has to be presented together with the lease contract or when selling the apartment.
It is obligatory for gas installations which are over 15 years old. This survey identifies any safety issues with the gas system and specifies the severity.
The report is valid for 3 years in case of rent, 6 years in case of sale.
A report on the presence or otherwise of products or materials containing asbestos, called amiante.
Buildings concerned : All buildings whose building permit was issued before July 1st 1997.
Duration of validity of the document: If no asbestos is detected, the period of validity is unlimited. However, if the presence of asbestos is detected, a new test must be performed within 3 years the delivery of diagnosis.
Provided Sanctions: The seller may be exonerated from the corresponding guarantee of hidden defects . For its part, the buyer can obtain justice in a reduction of the selling price or cancellation of the sale.
A report on the condition of the electricity supply in the property, where the wiring is over 15 years old.
The survey is valid for 3 years in case of rent, in case of sale 6 years.
The survey is called un état de l'installation intérieure d'électricité.
No survey is necessary where a certificat de conformité can be produced as evidence that the property complies with the regulations, provided the certificate is less than three years old.