FAQ propriétaire
Frequently Asked Questions

What apartment owners in Paris want to know about renting out their furnished apartments:

For a temporary long-term rental (non-primary residence*)

500 € (VAT included) upon signing for all properties


Do you take a percentage from the rent?



*Primary Residence Rentals:

  • Owners: one month's rent, including charges (VAT included)
  • Renters: 12 € per m2 (VAT included)

*These are an exception at ParisRental since most of our clients are in France for a limited time (and usually bound to a work assignment).

  • A non-exclusive rental representation agreement* (mandat de location) as required by law - allowing ParisRental to show your apartment to their clients on ParisRental.com

*This rental representation agreement must be signed by the true owner of the property or his/her power of attorney

  • A copy of your most recent homeowner tax or notarial certificate - if the apartment is owned by a company (SCI), a KBIS (document showing legal status of a company in France) is necessary to verify the signatory and must be accompanied by his/her signature
  • A copy of the owner's passport or identity card
  • French bank details (RIB)
  • An inventory of fixtures and furnishings for the records of ParisRental, the owner and the tenant - this inventory will be used for the walkthrough and annexed to the rental contract
  • A technical diagnostic report as required by law (see question below for more details)
  • A floor plan - potential tenants like to know the layout and dimensions of the apartment

We market your apartment:

  • To our exclusive network of multinational corporations, embassies and government organizations
  • On our website, ParisRental.com
  • On our social media networks: Facebook and LinkedIn

Thanks to our professional in-house photographer, we showcase your apartment as it is - no deceiving wide-angle lens.

Given that the owner and tenant are both ParisRental clients, we cannot do the walkthrough as we may be asked to take sides. Most of the time, the owner (or their representative) conducts the walkthrough directly with the tenant.

We can, however, set up the walkthrough via an independent service or bailiff.

 A ParisRental representative will meet with you to visit your apartment. The following services will be provided during this meeting:

  • An estimated rental price based on the current market and the quality of amenities
  • Advice on how to furnish the apartment, if necessary
  • An introduction to a diagnostic professional, if necessary

You've decided to rent with ParisRental and have signed your non-exclusive rental agreement. Now, the following will be provided:

  • Photos of your apartment taken by a professional photographer*
  • A secured key exchange - this makes apartment visits more convenient for traveling owners
  • Your apartment will showcased on ParisRental.com
  • Creation of your personal ParisRental account
  • Access to the newsletter edited by the founder of ParisRental, Claire de Circourt

* photos are not taken with a wide angle lens to provide potential tenants an accurate impression of the apartment

A Paris Rental representative will contact you to organize accompanied visits for each potential tenant:

  • A follow up phone or email report will be made after each visit. Or you can access these reports directly via your Owner's Corner account on Parisrental.com
  • When a client is interested in renting your apartment, ParisRental will call you and send along their profile and guarantees
  • A draft contract will be sent to you. Once you and your tenant are in agreement regarding the contract terms, a signatory meeting will be set up unless you prefer an electronic signature via DocuSign.
  • A walkthrough will be conducted, either:
    • Directly between you and your renter
    • By a bailiff, payable between owner and tenant
    • Through Home Management, if you are a client
    • Via an independent service provider

The rent and security deposit will be handed to you at the signing or sent to you via check or a direct bank transfer.

Yes. When renting a furnished apartment which is not  a residence principale, building expenses are included in the tenant's monthly rent.

However, personal expenses like electricity, gas, internet/phone/cable are the responsibility of tenant.

1) The Carrez/Boutin Measurement Law

  • Required for all residences
  • Measures the floor surfaces after deducting the space allotted to walls, partitions, stairs and elevator shafts, doorways and windows. Any areas with a height lower than 1.80m is deducted from the surface area.
  • These measurements remain valid indefinitely unless construction work has been done to modify the space.

2) Asbestos Diagnostics (DAPP)

  • Applies to all private buildings with permits delivered before July 1st 1997.
  • This diagnostic evaluates building materials used for walls, insulation and false ceilings
  • No expiration

3) Lead Exposure Certified Report (CREP)

  • Applies to all living quarters built prior to 1949
  • All painted items on the property including outdoor items must be evaluated
  • Valid for 6 years if the presence of lead has been detected
  • No expiration date if lead is not detected

4) Energy Level Diagnostic (DPE)

  • Applies to all properties
  • Reports thermal specifications (heating, protection of hot water), energy consumption and estimated energy expenses
  • Valid for 10 years

5) Statement Concerning Natural, Mining and Technological Risks (ERNMT)

  • A statement informing tenants of potential dangers they may encounter (i.e. floods, underground mines, seismic activity, industrial, nuclear and biological risks)
  • This statement must be less than 6 months old at the moment of signing the lease. It stays valid for the entire rental period and its renewal.
  • It can be obtained for free from the local city hall or police station, magisrate's court, or, if in Paris, at the Department of Urban Affairs. It can also be obtained on the official French adminsitration site: service-public.fr

The diagnostic reports must state the the name and address of the certifying organization.

The Technical Diagnostic Report (DDT) must be provided to the renter at the lease signing.

Yes, Home Management (HM) was created to help you!

Home Management is a subsidiary of De Circourt Associates / ParisRental, and manages your furnished apartment during while it's being rented.

As soon as your new tenant has signed the lease, HM will oversee and organize the arrival and departure walkthroughs, as well as maintenance and repairs while the apartment is occupied. In addition, rent will be received and transferred to your account each month.


What are the management fees? What services are included?

8.5 % (plus VAT) of all collected sums

Services provided by HM include:

  • Look for a tenant with good guarantees
  • Organize all appointments for diagnostics
  • Oversee tenant check-in and check-out, including arrival and departure walkthroughs
  • Install utilities in the tenant's name - electricity, gas and tripleplay (Internet, phone, TV)
  • Make sure the tenant has signed up for home insurance
  • Transfer first month's rent and subsequent monthly payments to the owner
  • Send monthly statements and payment receipts to the tenant
  • Annually reassess the rent of the apartment
  • Pay maintenance charges to the building management company (SYNDIC)
  • Take care of all other expenses related to the apartment (maintenance and upkeep, property tax, etc.)
  • Organize mandatory annual maintenance of heating and gas equipment
  • Work with insurance companies to manage any issues zithin the apartment (i.e. water damage) up to 1600 € (VAT not included)
  • Manage the keys in case of emergency (tenant locks keys insides the apartment, etc.)
  • Manage security deposit until the end of the lease in order to make reasonable deductions for damage beyond normal wear and tear
  • Get the apartment back into shape between tenants
  • Prepare documents for all pertinent local rental taxes
  • Respond swiftly to all correspondence and phone calls concerning your apartment

To learn more about Home Management, watch our video!

Our clients are looking for apartments with at least one bedroom, mostly in Paris. The apartment must be in perfect condition, in compliance with the latest standards and entirely furnished and equipped.

Remember, the first impression is key!

  • Above all, renters are looking for cleanliness. Be aware of humidity, smoke, animal odors, etc. Do air out your apartment regularly.
  • A fully-equipped and modern kitchen with counter space and up-to-date appliances, completely outfitted with enough utensils, dishes, glassware and cookware.
  • 2 sets of good-quality home linens per bedroom
  • A clean, functional and modern bathroom with a nice-sized shower. Make sure the grout and sealant are in a good state. Good mirrors and lighting are appreciated.
  • Internet is a must. Sometimes, the deciding factor between two apartments is if Internet is already installed.
  • A large flat-screen TV for viewing sports and movies
  • Neutral colors and modern furnishings are definitely preferred. No wall-to-wall carpet.
  • A sufficient number of outlets for Internet, printer, television, lighting and a variety of household appliances.

See our Landlord Guide for complete details on fittings and furnishings.

Paris Rental services and rental properties were created for expatriates and their families, including:

  • International corporations finding residences for their expat employees
  • International organizations and embassies
  • Artists (writers, film makers, etc.)
  • Expats on sabbatical
  • International universities (researchers and professors)
  • People in transition (those in the process of buying property, taking on home improvements, and more)
  • People undergoing medical treatment

  • Passport / visa
  • Proof of employment (letter or attestation from employer)
  • Payslips (last three months) and/or latest tax return
  • Bank guarantee (letter of credit) or employer guarantee and/or personal guarantor
  • French bank details (RIB)
  • Letter of registration, if a university student

You should notify your insurance company once you have installed smoke detector(s) according to the template below (annexe de l’arrêté du 5 février 2013 relative à l’application des articles R129-12 à R129-15 du code de la construction et de l’habitation, Journal officiel du 14 mars 2013).

For this type of notice, request a lettre recommandée avec accusé de réception (registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt) from your local post office.

Coming soon...


This letter is sent by the landlord to the tenant to give him/her proper notice that s/he plans to sell the property at the end of the lease:
This letter is for a "résidence principale"lease.


*in bold to be replaced
Name of Owner
Telephone Number


Name of Tenant
Objet : Fin de bail pour cause de vente du logement
Lettre RAR
A City, le Date


Madame, Monsieur,
Vous êtes locataire du logement sis apartment addresse depuis le start date of the lease. Le bail que nous avons signé arrivera donc à échéance le lease end date. Je vous informe qu’à cette date, je vous donnerai congé de ce logement afin de procéder à sa vente.
En vertu de l’article 15 II de la loi du 6 juillet 1989 -que vous trouverez ci-dessous- je vous indique que le logement et ses annexes seront vendus au prix de … €. En tant que locataire de cette habitation, vous êtes prioritaire pour acquérir ce bien pendant les deux mois à venir.
Passé ce délai, sans réponse de votre part, je considèrerai votre non-réponse comme un refus.
Article 15II de la loi du 6 juillet 1989 alinéas 1er à 5 : Lorsqu’il est fondé sur la décision de vendre le logement, le congé doit; à peine de nullité, indiquer le prix et les conditions de la vente projetée. Le congé vaut offre de vente au profit du locataire : l’offre est valable pendant les premiers mois du délai de préavis. Les dispositions de l’article 46 de la loi n°65-557 du 10 Juillet 1965 fixant le statut de la copropriété des immeubles bâtis ne sont pas applicable au congé fondé sur la décision de vendre le logement.
A l’expiration du délai de préavis, le locataire qui n’a pas accepté l’offre de vente est déchu de plein droit de tout titre d’occupation sur le local.
Le locataire qui accepte l’offre dispose, à compter de la date d’envoi de sa réponse au bailleur, d’un délai de deux mois pour la réalisation de l’acte de vente. Si, dans sa réponse, il notifie son intention de recourir à un prêt, l’acceptation par le locataire de l’offre de vente est subordonnée à l’obtention du prêt et le délai de réalisation de la vente est porté à quatre mois. Le contrat de location est prorogé jusqu’à l’expiration du délai de réalisation de la vente. Si, à l’expiration de ce délai, la vente n’a pas été réalisée, l’acceptation de l’offre de vente est nulle de plein droit et le locataire est déchu de plein droit de tout titre d’occupation.
Dans le cas où le propriétaire décide de vendre à des conditions ou à un prix plus avantageux pour l’acquéreur, le notaire doit, lorsque le bailleur n’y a pas préalablement procédé, notifier au locataire ces conditions et prix à peine de nullité de la vente. Cette notification est effectuée à l’adresse indiquée à cet effet par le locataire au bailleur ; si le locataire n’a pas fait connaître cette adresse au bailleur, la notification est effectuée à l’adresse des locaux dont la location avait été consentie. Elle vaut offre de vente au profit du locataire. Cette offre est valable pendant une durée d’un mois à compter de sa réception. L’offre qui n’a pas été acceptée dans le délai d’un mois est caduque. Le locataire qui accepte l’offre ainsi notofiée dispose, à compter de la date d’envoi de sa réponse au bailleur ou au notaire, d’un délai de deux mois pour la résiliation de l’acte de vente. Si, dans sa réponse, il notifie son intention de recourir à un prêt, l’acceptation par le locataire de l’offre de vente est subordonnée à l’obtention du prêt et le délai de réalisation de la vente est porté à quatre mois. Si, à l’expiration de ce délai, la vente n’a pas été réalisée, l’acceptation de l’offre de vente est nulle de plein droit.
Bien sincèrement,

Allows a person to declare himself/herself as a Guarantor (simple or solidary) of a tenant. The letter is given to the landlord.

Your name
Telephone number
Landlord Name and Address
Objet: Lettre d'engagement Caution Solidaire
Lettre recommandée avec accusé de réception
A ville, le date
[Dear ]
I, the undersigned, [surname, first name and date of birth of the person who endorses] certify that I have read the lease attached hereto and declare that I am a [joint or simple] surety for [surname, first name of the tenant] for the benefit of the landlord [surname, first name, address] of the dwelling [address of the rented accommodation]..
I have read the rent amount of [amount of rent] by [payment period]. It will be reviewed annually every [date of revision] according to the reference index of rents published by INSEE of [date of the reference period of the IRL indicated on the lease].
I agree to refund on my income and on my personal belongings the amounts due by the tenant [name and surname] in case of failure of the latter. I confirm that I am fully aware of the nature and extent of my commitment.
This commitment for a bond [simple / joint] is valid [for an indefinite period / until ...] for the payment in particular of rents (even revised), recoverable charges, degradations and rental repairs and costs of proceedings, indemnities, penalties and damages.
I also acknowledge that I have read the paragraph of article 22-1 of the law of 6 July 1989, which reads as follows: "When the bonding of obligations resulting from a lease concluded under this title does not include any indication of duration or when the duration of the bond is stipulated indefinitely, the Surety may terminate it unilaterally. The termination takes effect at the end of the lease, whether it is the initial contract or a renewed contract for which the lessor receives notice of termination.
Made in [number of parties to the act (lessor, tenant, surety, ...)] copies.
Done at [place of drafting] on [date of writing],

Your Signature
Your name



The Insurance Code (Article L. 113-1) provides that the exclusions of guarantee must be formal and limited. If your insurance company objects to a reimbursement based on a warranty exclusion, read the terms of your contract carefully.
Ex : Theft may not be guarantee if the shutters were not closed during an absence of more than twenty-four hours. But if the clause in your contract stipulates that "All usual and reasonable precautions for the safekeeping of insured property must have been taken" it will not do. Indeed, the clause is not circumscribed to a specific area and is subject to interpretation. In such a case, do not hesitate to dispute with your insurance company in case it cites this clause for not compensating you.


Votre nom
Name and address of the recipient
Recommended letter with receipt note
city, date
In the referenced file (claim and contract file numbers), you refuse to implement the guarantee (mention the guarantee concerned: theft, water damage ...) on the grounds that (quote or reformulate the clause at issue).
This clause does not cover a sufficiently specific area, and is subject to interpretation. Yet, the Article L. 113-1 of the Insurance Code requires that the exclusions provided for in insurance contracts be formal and limited to be valid.
To the extent that this clause is not precise, you can not invoke it in order not to reimburse me.
I therefore demand that you review your position.
Looking forward to your reply, please accept, Madam, Sir, my best regards.
Done at [ place of drafting ] on [date of writing] ,

Your Name



In terms of home insurance, certain criteria allow the insurer to assess the risk. This is true of the living space or the value of the furniture of a house.

In the event of a change in the risk entailed, the insurer must be notified by registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt in order that you’d be covered in the event of a claim. Upon receipt of your report of home modifications, the insurer will adjust the contract and adjust the contribution, if necessary.

Attention: if you do not declare the changes, the consequences can go from a reduction of the insurance compensation to the cancellation of the contract in case of disaster. Even if the element not declared was without influence on the disaster!

To determine whether or not there is a change in the risks involved with the modifications in your home, refer to the form filled with the insurer when you signed the policy. Keep a copy of the risk declaration form.


Your name
Phone Number
Name and address of the recipient
Registered letter with receipt note
city, date
I am insured with your company for (my home ...) under the number (reference of the contract).
Since the (date of modification of the risk), (explain precisely the modification: I did build a mezzanine, ...).
You will find attached (invoice of works, ...).
I would therefore be grateful if you would kindly inform me of the impact of this change on my contract and I remain at your disposal for any further information.
Looking forward to your reply, please accept, Madam, Sir, the expression of my best regards.
Done at [ place of drafting] on [place of writing] ,

Your name


(texte inspiré de l’INC Institut National de la Consommation)


As soon as you discover a theft in your home, make an inventory of stolen property and of deteriorated fixutes such as doors, windows …, and take pictures. Then go and make a statement of theft to the nearest police station.

Be careful to keep the receipt of your statement in order to send it to your insurer by registered letter.

Beware : Deadlines for declaration of thefts are short, even if they cannot be inferior to forty-eight hours from the discovery of the disaster (article L. 113-2, 4 ° of the insurance code). Check your contract and be reactive! If you don’t find your contract, don’t waste time anyway.


Your name
Name and address of the recipient
Registered letter with receipt
town, date
On (date of discovery of the incident), I discovered that my home had been burgled. (Briefly explain the circumstances of the incident). My home is insured (name of the insurance company and number of the insurance contract).
I have not been able to make a complete inventory of stolen or damaged property yet, but here is a list and a first assessment (list the stolen or damaged items and give an assessment of your damage). As soon as I have made a complete inventory, I will send you the complete list and the necessary proofs to take care of value (invoices, photos...).
Also, please find attached the receipt of complaint to the police station (attach a copy of the document and keep the original). I remain at your disposal for any necessary clarification .
Cordially yours,
Done at [ place of drafting] on [place of writing] ,

Your name


The prescription for a claim is for a period of two years. The actions taken following the event that gave birth to them are prescribed by two years (Article L. 114-1 of the Insurance Code).

However, this prescription is interrupted if you send a registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt concerning the payment of compensation (Article L. 114-2 of the Insurance Code). Then, a new period of two years will begin to run. So, if you are in negotiation with your insurer and that the deadline comes to an end, write to him by registered mail with acknowledgment of receipt to make the delay reappear. Be sure to preserve the postal receipt.


Your name
Name and address of the recipient
Recommended letter with receipt note
town, date
I come back to you with regard to the referenced incident (number of the claim file).
I would like to remind you that, unless I am mistaken, I still have not been compensated.
I therefore ask you to do what is necessary to pay me the sum of (indicate precisely the amount of compensation you expect) to repair the damage suffered, as soon as possible.
Looking forward to your reply, please accept, Madam, Sir, my regards.
Done at [ place of drafting] on [place of writing] ,

Your name


You can cancel your comprehensive homeowner's policy before it expires and your insurance company must reimburse you the portion of the current premium beyond the date of termination of your contract. However, you must give the reason for your cancellation: for example, moving, changing profession; provided, however, that these changes affect the previously guaranteed risk.

Your request for cancellation must be made, by registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt, within three months of the change of your situation; it will take effect one month after receipt by the insurer. Article L. 113-16 of the Insurance Code provides for other cases than the change of domicile to authorize termination during the contract.


Your name
Name and address of the recipient
Registered letter with receipt note
town, date
From (date), I will no longer occupy the insured apartment with your company under the contract number (reference of the contract). Indeed, (indicate your new situation and explain as precisely as possible how this change will modify your previous situation).
I therefore wish to terminate my home insurance contract with your company, in accordance with Article L. 113-16 of the Insurance Code.
I thank you in advance for kindly sending me the amount of the contribution corresponding to the period during which the guarantee will no longer be applied, as well as a cancellation rider.
Please accept, Madam, Sir, the expression of my best regards.
Done at [ place of drafting] le [date of writing] ,

Your name


Rent receipt for the month of .... 

Last name, first name of lessor 
Lessor's address                                                                                   

       Lastname, first name of tenant
                                                      Postal address

                                        Date at ... , on ...

Rental address:

I, (name of landlord), the owner of the rental property at (address), confirm that I have received (amount in words) euros / (amount in figures) euros from (name of tenant). This payment covers the rent and any associated charges for the rental period from (start of monthly payment) to (end of monthly payment). By issuing this receipt, I acknowledge that the tenant has paid the rent for this period, while retaining all my rights as the landlord.

Payment details : 
Rent:            …………………………….    euros
Provision for charges (if applicable):    ………………………    euros
Total:        …………………………….    euros
Payment date: ...... / ...... / 20......


This receipt replaces previous receipts if only part of the current rent is paid. The tenant should keep this receipt for three years, as the law requires (law no. 89-462 of July 6, 1989: art. 7-1).