Neighborhood Victor Hugo was created in the year 1825, the name changed a few times since its creation and finally named with the greatest French writer and poet Victor Hugo, following the decision of the Paris municipal council, to memorize the death of Victor Hugo. With its superb location in the largest area, the 16... Read more
Neighborhood Victor Hugo was created in the year 1825, the name changed a few times since its creation and finally named with the greatest French writer and poet Victor Hugo, following the decision of the Paris municipal council, to memorize the death of Victor Hugo. With its superb location in the largest area, the 16th arrondissement of Paris, Place Victor Hugo is connecting the districts of Paris from south to north. Centuries ago, life in Place Victor Hugo was fancy and populated because of its open-air entertainment show. Now it is known for its openness because there are numerous embassies and international companies in this area. It is imaginable a convenient life when living in this neighborhood. Virtual visits furnished apartments in Victor Hugo of Paris.
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