This neighborhood is located in the 7th arrondissement of Paris, due to its excellent location for being close to the Eiffel Tower and Champ de Mars, the apartment in this neighborhood is what people are rushing to. Ecole Militaire, the military academy is a symbol of this neighborhood, nearby are international organiz... Read more
This neighborhood is located in the 7th arrondissement of Paris, due to its excellent location for being close to the Eiffel Tower and Champ de Mars, the apartment in this neighborhood is what people are rushing to. Ecole Militaire, the military academy is a symbol of this neighborhood, nearby are international organizations and institutions such as the UNESCO building, the World Economic Cooperation Development Agency, the French National Assembly Building, etc. A few minutes away, in Rue Cler, a small pedestrian street in the 7th arrondissement, there is an open market where you will find many food shops, flower shops, you don’t worry about the price because the quality is always there. Living in this area, you will never miss a thing called “Life”. Virtual visits furnished apartments in École Militaire of Paris.
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