Essential rental info

Freelancer & Students: How to rent an apartment in Paris without a CDI contract?

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We know that the ideal tenant profile in France includes: Having a CDI - permanent work contract, to be on a work trial period, having a salary that covers three times of monthly rent, and having a guarantor residing in France. Therefore, renting an apartment in Paris as a freelancer or a newly graduated student can be very challenging if you do not meet those requirements. The following tips will help you rent your dream apartment in Paris whether you are self-employed, have a CDD - temporary work contract, are during your work trial period, etc.

How to rent an apartment in Paris as a freelancer?

Apartment hunting in Paris for freelancers is always challenging. Since the law in France favors the tenant when it comes to unpaid rent and rental eviction, French landlords can be intimidated by self-employed tenants and worry that they do not have a secured monthly income. So how to reassure your landlord? Here are some tips for apartment hunting if you work independently in Paris.

Keep your rental documents organized

It always helps to have a well-organized rental document, to prove your financial statement to the landlord. The essential documents include tax returns, balance sheets, significant clients' contacts, the bank statement of your savings account, and a letter from the past landlord, etc.

Pay rent upfront

If you do not have a local guarantor to support your rental application, you can propose paying the landlord your rent in advance, which covers your entire lease.

Get help from a rental Real Estate agency

Rental Real Estate agencies deal with different landlords and tenants all the time. Therefore, they know which owners are more friendly to self-employed tenants. Consequently, they might propose suitable options and help you prepare the winning rental documents for your particular situation to convince the owners.

How to find an apartment rental in Paris if you have a CDD temporary work contract?

Contrary to the CDI (permanent work contract), the CDD is a fixed-term or temporary employment contract. The CDD work contract terminates at the end of the written contractual period and can be renewed for a maximum term of 36 months. In general, French landlords prefer tenants having a CDI over having a CDD because they consider a permanent work contract provides a more secure income, and there are fewer risks of unpaid rent in the future. Here are some solutions to give you extra credit and persuade the landlords to rent their apartment if you hold a CDD contract. 

Rent on a fixed-term contract

Since you have a fixed-term work contract in Paris, it is more logical to propose the landlord sign a fixed-term lease covering your entire CDD work contract. However, do not panic that signing a fixed-term/ unrenewable lease does not mean you lose the chance of renewing your lease. If your CDD work contract is renewed or you find a CDI position in Paris, inform your landlord one month before your lease expires that you wish to renew your lease and present your new signed work contract. In most cases, the landlord will agree.

Find a guarantor residing in France

Have a local guarantor in France, preferably someone with a stable financial situation (holding a CDI work contract in France, having a salary of at least three times your monthly rent) so that they can provide you with all the credit you need to reassure the landlord.

How to rent an apartment during the trial period?

Renting a flat in Paris during the trial period can be complicated. This career transition period tends to intimidate some landlords. Here is some apartment-hunting advice for those in their trial period.

Provide a guarantee certificate

Several websites offer rental guarantee services in France, such as Garantme. This kind of guarantee works as rent insurance for landlords. The tenants submit their guarantee certificate when signing the lease. With this certificate, the owner can get reimbursed in case of unpaid rent.

Have a bank guarantee

To get a bank guarantee in France, you must contact your bank adviser and sign a bank guarantee contract. If the request is approved, the bank will block the rent amount during the entire lease duration as a guarantee for the landlord to cash in case of unpaid rent. However, the bank usually charges a fee for this service.

How to rent a flat in Paris as a Parisian student without a guarantor?

Apply the State Key surety (Caution Clé)

Suppose you are an international student without a guarantor in France and want to rent student accommodation in Paris. In this case, you can benefit from a French state guarantee called "Caution Clé." It allows students who do not have individual guarantors to have a guarantee document to rent student accommodation in France. However, the student must pay a contribution representing 1.5% of the rent to access this aid. On the other hand, this guarantee does not apply to rental accommodation whose rent exceeds the following:
- €500 for a single person in the provinces,
- €600 in Ile-de-France,
- €700 in Paris.

Contact guarantor organizations

If the apartment you'd like to rent exceeds the guarantee amount of Caution Clé and Visale, you still have the option to contact guarantee companies such as Garantme or Unkle to get a guarantee. In exchange for this guarantor service, these organizations will charge you a service fee of approximately 3.5% of the annual rent. To be guaranteed, submit the required files to obtain the answer within 24 hours. If your application is approved, a surety bond will be issued, and the landlord will get protection against unpaid bills.

Pay rent upfront

If all the solutions above do not work for you, you can always propose that the landlord pay your rent in advance, sometimes 6 to 12 months, to cover your entire lease.

These tips will help you find your dream apartment rental in Paris, and we are available at Paris Rental Agency if you need any help with your apartment hunting in Paris. 
Paris Apartment Interior Design - Living Room

Editor: Siyi Chen

Sources: bienici, service public


Credit Photo@Bastien Nvs
